Other Books

Managing Diversity in Today's WorkplaceThe Psychology of LoveWomen and ManagementWomen as Tranformational Leaders  Psychology for Business SuccessTechniques of Grief Therapy

Please see above for some of the books that Dr. Tina Elacqua has contributed to:

  • Women as Transformational Leaders: From Grassroots to Global Interests
  • Techniques of Grief Therapy: Creative Practices for Counseling the Bereaved
  • Techniques of Grief Therapy: Creative Practices for Counseling the Bereaved (Kindle edition)
  • The Psychology of Love
  • Managing Diversity in Today’s Workplace: Strategies for Employees and Employers
  • Psychology for Business Success
  • Women and Management: Global Issues and Promising Solutions
  • The Praeger Handbook on Women’s Cancers:  Personal and Psychosocial Insights
  • Women, Work, and Family: How Companies Thrive with a 21st-Century Multicultural Workforce

These resources and more can also be found at my author page at amazon.com/author/drtelacqua