Christ-Centered Resource of Hope for You!
Are you struggling with surviving the loss of your loved one(s)? I have.Soon after my parents were murdered I turned to God for Biblical resources to help me and comfort me in my darkest hours. The Lord provided me with His Word, my prayer-partner, friend, and colleague, June Hetzel, and this devotional project of Hope Beyond Homicide: Remembrance Devotionals that became a way for me to share my heartache and hope with others who have experienced homicidal loss. Through a great deal of time and tears, God has developed through us this Christ-centered devotional collection written by Christians from all walks of life who have lost loved ones to homicide.
The purpose of this devotional collection is to draw you, the grieving reader, to experience God’s presence through God’s Word, personal testimony, and prayer as the foundation for the healing process of homicidal loss. We pray this collection will help you to spend time with God, pour out your heart, develop a deeper walk with the Lord, and understand that you are not alone.
As you work through the healing process, prayerfully read a devotional each week, taking time to answer the reflection questions. Use the calendar portion of this devotional to keep track of important dates, perhaps even special dates with friends, family, counselor, and spiritual advisors who will love and support you, or use that additional space to journal daily about your thoughts and feelings. If you need to take a break and come back to the devotional, by all means do so. Each author struggled to share a portion of his or her personal journey, and the journeys shared may awaken in you some of your own pain and grief as well. Go slowly and pay attention to emotions that begin to surface. Allow yourself to continue in the grief process—let the emotions flow, cry out to the Lord, sit quietly before Him, journal, and share your deepest heartaches and fears with the only Hope beyond homicide there is, Jesus Christ.
Tina and June
Hope Beyond Homicide: Remembrance Devotionals editors
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